“The purpose of Education is to train the mind to filter knowledge and dispel ignorance” _ Anonymous

Education system has undergone many changes to cater to the needs of modern times. Online education has bridged the prevailing gaps of remote education. While this has enabled easy access to learners under one global spectrum, it has also made young generation more vulnerable towards unfiltered content on various digital platforms. Therefore it becomes our foremost responsibility to safeguard our students from all that disrupts healthy and sequential growth of their minds.

Parents and teachers should join hands in identifying the underlying causes of disruptive behavior in children and curb the vulnerabilities on time. At Blossoming Angels United School, we always work towards building a healthy teacher-student relationship so that students confide in us and voice out their concerns, insecurities and moments of doubts.

This gives children the secured refuge and boosts their confidence.

Providing a healthy and interactive ambience at home, lays the foundation of a positive mindset that shuns negativity. Spending time with children irrespective of their age makes them feel important and cared for. Sharing our limitations, moments of failure etc. help children to figure out the trivial realities of life and become consistent in their goals.

Let us make a better and stronger India by empowering our future generation to be compassionate leaders of tomorrow.

Wishing all the best to all the angels.
Bimal Ojha



Bimal Ojha