Nurturing Leaders of Tomorrow….

21st Century Education has undergone a transition in terms of approach, credibility and its potential in shaping the pathway for a promising future. As such, planning and providing an upgraded education in accordance with the digital era, is crucial to a child’s all round development.

Blossoming Angels United School was set up on 4th April, 2018 with a vision of bridging the constraints of rural education. Nestled in lush green acres, the institute has been equipping children to be independent thinkers and to tread along the path of life, confidently through experiential learning. Six years of dedication, sincerity and consistency has been the elixir in transitioning into a popular choice among parents!

Children are like tender clay moulds on a potter’s wheel. So, shaping and sculpting them to be individual masterpieces is a tedious responsibility.

“Education is the soul of a society, because it passes from one generation to the other.”--- G.K Chesterton

With this vision, Blossoming Angels United School embarked on its journey to bridge the prevailing gaps in rural education and to give children , an education that not only prepares them for the competitive edge of 21st century but also for facing the challenges of life. Nestled in lush green acres, the institute has been equipping children to be independent thinkers and to tread along the path of life, confidently through experiential learning. Six years of dedication, sincerity and consistency has been the elixir in transitioning it into a popular choice among parents!

Our journey of facilitating tiny tots to blossom uniquely dates back to 4th April 2018. We embarked on this voyage racing against the various constraints of time and tide. The pandemic further hindered our steady steps yet our indomitable spirit and commitment towards our mission remained consistent. These humble beginnings gradually concreted the steady path that we are presently treading on.

What makes us stand out from the rest?

Learning that involves joy and fun instigates eagerness in learners. As such we never distinguish learners in terms of aptitude or socio- economic perspective. To us, every child is special and it is our responsibility to make them realize their potential and strive for excellence.

We at Blossoming Angels work zealously every day to make our children soar high and chase their dreams.

At B.A.U.S, every child is a winner.
